Store Policies

Bringing your Imagination to Life: Scripts, animations, mesh, sculpts, textures, business and education tools, and the most complete books with tutorials about Blender and creating in SL. Poses and Props for photography. Check the user licenses at the landing point before your purchases!

The main store (designers resources) is located at Black Tulip (171,128,25). The poses and props store is located at Black Tulip (126,128,21).

Contact Information

  • Use the Customer Support form for any inquiry or issue you may have. Auryn Beorn will get back to you soon, specially in cases of double purchases or delivery failures.

    WEEKENDS: Support is limited to solving issues with double purchases or SL eating your delivery. DO USE the Custom Support form.
  • Do not use IM if you have a problem with a script: Fill the Customer Support Form. Auryn Beorn will help you when the completed form is received, within 24-48 hours (except vacation, sickness or weekends).

Before your purchase...

Black Tulip's scripts and mesh items often contain SAMPLES to help you setting up your items: sound clips, completed builds, animations...

This does NOT mean that the samples should be full permissions. You are purchasing a license to use the item with the features listed on the ad, not for the samples. If you wish to also have a license to use the sample assets in your builds, IM Auryn Beorn to learn where in the store are those samples available.

If you don't know if the scripts we offer are what you're looking for, IM Auryn Beorn with your questions. Auryn Beorn never hides her online status: You don't need to ask if she's there. If her profile says she's online, she is. If it says she's offline, she is. In any case, write your questions so she knows how to help you. Don't worry if she's offline: Often she'll reply your IM via e-mail. If you write your questions, you will get a faster response.

If you purchase a script without asking if it's what you're looking for, and then it's not what you were looking for, no refunds will be given.

Store Policies

If there's any problem, click here to fill the Customer Service Form. If you fail to perform this step, you will be instructed to do so (particularly if you have an issue setting up a script).

Make sure of checking the correct store policies. We've separated them in three categories. There's a special set of policies for gacha sets: Policies for non-gacha items do not apply to them.

The following are general policies for all stores:

  • We strive to give you the best help possible, but you have to help us help you. It is mandatory to submit the following form when requesting assistance, particularly when you have problems setting up a script: Customer Support.
  • Free items are not supported: Modify them under your own responsibility. Check that you've followed the directions supplied. Make copies before tweaking them.
  • There's one store group for all stores (designers, poses and props). Group gifts are for all members regardless of which store they're aimed to. You can join by copying the following link, pasting it in local chat, and clicking on it: secondlife:///app/group/d076391d-eb7c-74d7-699c-3e2ddaa0f7d4/about . Group fee is non refundable. Click here to learn more about the store group and its rules.
  • If you want to send a gift, please do this from our Marketplace store:
  • Refunds, when applicable, will be given only until 30 days after your purchase. (Gachas have a different policy)
  • We don't have redelivery terminals: Auryn Beorn will send you a redelivery when needed.
  • Redeliveries are for life. Do not abuse requesting to resend the same item over and over and over. (Gachas have a different policy)
  • If you spend L$25000 or more in our stores within 30 days, send a notecard to Auryn Beorn specifying which items would you like for free, up to a total of 10% of what you spent. Make sure that your notecard contains your name and the transaction records of all the purchases done. This only applies to purchases done in the stores. (Gachas have a different policy)

If you don't know how to retrieve your transaction records, click here for information.

Store Policies: Designers Resources (and Licenses)

  • Failures in delivery will be solved ASAP - Click here and fill the form.
  • All of Black Tulip's items at the Designers Store are FULL PERMS or NO TRANSFER. Scripts are NO MODIFY. For that reason, refunds will be given if a double purchase happens, until 30 days after your purchase. Click here to send the transaction record in that case.
  • Transaction record? Click here to learn how to retrieve them.
  • IMPORTANT: Modify Black Tulip's items at your own risk. Black Tulip's items in the Designers Store are ALWAYS copy, keep an unmodified original in your inventory!
  • We give support only for the scripts we have written. This means that we are not giving support in issues related to AVsitter, MLP or any other script you may be using in conjunction with Black Tulip scripts. Please contact the creator of the other tool you may have problems with, or join their user help groups/forums.
  • When it comes to scripts support, we will ask many questions, starting by the Customer Support Form. If you refuse to answer those questions, we will not be able to help you.
  • If you don't have basic knowledge about editing objects in SL, check the following resources: Editing Prims page in the Knowledge Base and the more technical Edit Window and its description wiki page. We don't provide assistance on how to edit objects. Please check those links.
  • If you're not sure about how the permissions system works in SL, click here to learn all the basics. Failure in setting permissions correctly voids the license of use of the items you purchase: you want to learn this right.
  • Auryn Beorn has more tutorials about creating that you can check clicking here. We strongly encourage you to check them out.
  • If you don't want to go through reading the documentation to set up the scripts you purchase, we provide this service: We will guide you through the whole setup process until your object is working. This service has a cost of L$5000 per hour, each time you want to set up an object. Payment will be done in advance.
  • Following you'll find the most up-to-date licenses for all the building supplies and books/courses you'll find in the Designers Store. Please check them before purchasing. Purchasing means that you accept them, and there will be no refunds. Items to be used as attachments with giver scripts/temp attachment scripts have a different license. Unless it's specified that the item can be used as attachment with giver scripts/temp attachment scripts, you are not allowed to use the designer resources as part of said attachments.

Store Policies: Poses and Props

  • Our poses and props are non transferable. This means that refunds are not possible. Make sure of purchasing the item you want before clicking Buy/Pay.
  • In the event of a double purchase, copy the transaction record information of both purchases and the local chat text from the poses vendor, in case you were purchasing individual poses instead of the full set. Send this information to Auryn Beorn via the Customer Service Form. Do not forget the local chat in case of individual poses! Refunds cannot be given without this information.
  • Group members benefit from a 25% discount in individual poses purchased from the pose stands (group tag MUST BE ACTIVE!), as well as gifts from the poses and props store, and the main store for designers.
  • The price of individual poses is L$40. An individual pose DOES NOT include the mirrored one! Group members with their tag active will be refunded L$10 after each purchase of individual poses.
  • Individual poses are not discounted if the full pack is discounted. Make sure of checking this out. Sales, and objects offered in particular discount events, are clearly marked.
  • Unless stated on the product ad, decoration and wearables shown on pictures are not included. If something is included, the ad will indicate which item(s).
  • Poses are always copy/modify/no transfer, with the exception perhaps of poses in old props. HUDs and scripts are always copy/no modify/no transfer (Gacha sets are not considered in this policy; check the Gacha Policy for that particular case)

Store Policies: Gachas

  • We do not offer replacements of items in gacha sets. Before playing a gacha machine, or rezzing no copy items, check always the Status Grid website to learn if there's a problem that could cause for your item to be lost. Open a ticket with Linden Lab if you rezzed the item and SL ate it: . If it's a case of inventory loss, follow the steps explained in the Inventory Loss wiki page. If that doesn't work, then open a ticket with Linden Lab.
  • If there's a delivery failure, follow these steps:
    1. Take a full screenshot of the viewer showing the delivery failure, your local chat window with the message(s) and the error message(s).
    2. Click on your L$ balance to have it updated.
    3. If your L$ balance doesn't change, this means that the transaction never happened and you didn't spend money.
    4. If the L$ balance is updated showing the expense, then retrieve the corresponding transaction record.
    5. Send both the screenshot and the transaction record to Auryn Beorn via e-mail (auryn.beorn at the GMail e-mail service).
    We will not be sending a replacement if any of this is missing.
  • We only respond about items purchased from machines owned by Auryn Beorn. We're not responsible of what happens at yard sales, Marketplace, third party sales or gifts, or any other way than our machine to obtain the items.
  • We will exchange your no copy gacha items for copy/no transfer gacha items if all of the following is met:
    • You have the full set.
    • You have obtained it by playing in OUR MACHINE when this machine is using the [Black Tulip] Gacha Script script.
    • You are willing to teleport to the store and have Auryn Beorn rez the items you send to her, so she can check that indeed you're sending our complete items, not any random item that has been renamed like ours. If scripts, poses or any other assets have been stripped out of the object, we will return your items to you and will not do the exchange.
    If you are found stripping our gacha items from its components, you will not be eligible again, ever, to exchange no copy gacha items for copy/no transfer ones.
  • There are no discounts nor gifts because of playing on gacha machines.


  • Remember that there's an 8 hours period for Marketplace delivering your item.
  • Contact us by using the Customer Support Form. We all make mistakes: We can only fix ours if you tell us what happened, in detail.
  • Before complaining for non delivery, make sure that Auryn Beorn is the creator of the item you have purchased.
  • Scripts can't do everything. Auryn Beorn can explain to you if Black Tulip's items are what you need, before a purchase, or if she can make a variation of any of the existing scripts to fit that need.

Custom Work?

  • Auryn Beorn is available for custom non-exclusive mesh and poses, and photography.
  • Sei Lisa is available for custom scripting.

Auryn Beorn may take on custom poses, under the condition that she'll be able to sell them as a store release. If you are fine with this, just send her image references of the poses you're interested in. Links to the images are enough, you don't need to send any picture inworld. The same conditions apply if she takes on a custom mesh work: It's never an exclusive job. She will sell it in the store.

Auryn Beorn may do modifications of existent scripts at the store: This is entirely under her discretion, and she'll release them in store as well.

If you want your scripts to be exclusive, then talk to Sei Lisa. Auryn Beorn doesn't make exclusives.

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