Saturday, September 10, 2016

New full permissions kitchen cabinets and textures

We have one new full permissions set for Sixty Linden Weekends: The kitchen set's cabinet and small cabinet. The set contains both objects, detailed mesh with hand-made LODs for optimal display at any distance while keeping low LI. The set is complete with one pack of baked textures for both cabinets including material textures.

The textures set is Texture Change Ready: This means that it includes a set of notecards ready to work with our texture changer script with materials, to help you speed your production time. Promotional price of L$60 per set is valid only until Monday. Click here for your taxi to the store.

Current Events

Friday, September 9, 2016

New full permissions dining accessories

We have one new full permissions set for Super Sales Weekend: The dining accessories. The set consists of six detailed mesh objects with hand-made LODs for optimal display at any distance while keeping low LI. It includes baked and specular textures.

Promotional price is valid only until Monday. Click here for your taxi to the store.

Current Events